The legal code of conduct of the Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society
All attorneys at INNOVA are subject to and obliged by the legal code of conduct issued by the Danish Bar and Law Society.
It is essential to INNOVA that we at all times represent and advise our clients ethically and professionally at a high level of service within the legislative framework.
The legal code of conduct issued by the Danish Bar and Law Society can be found here.
Acceptance of a new case
When new clients contact INNOVA, we determine immediately by looking into our case records whether INNOVA represents or may be affiliated with other parties of the case, as it is in violation of the legal code of conduct to represent several parties with conflicting interests.
Conflicts between existing clients
If INNOVA discovers any conflicts between existing clients it is in breach of our code of conduct to represent any of the parties to the conflict in question.
Fee policy
In our relationships with our current and future clients it is our intention to establish transparency in all parts of the case, including in our fees and rates of the single cases.
In direct continuation of our acceptance of a new case, all clients will receive in writing our estimates of the fees for the case.
For further information on our hourly rates and calculation of fees, please refer to our Business Terms.